Friday 29 April 2011

Feature Friday 3 : Levar Allen

     Greetings internet! Today we have another great Feature Friday featuring Levar Allen, a man so musically talented he classifies as musician/band. Levar Allen is a 22 year old guitar teacher from Toronto, Ontario, who not only does amazing covers, but writes, plays and records his own original songs.

     This could degenerate into another story about me cruising around youtube and stumbling across an artist, but suffice to say finding Levar's music made my day and possibly my whole week. His talent almost literally blew my mind. He can take a song that has two guitars, a bass, a piano, and vocals, then do all of them himself track on track. This is one of those occassions that I will publically admit to pulling tracks from youtube, and once you hear them you will understand. Warning viewer discretion is advised as you may feel completely untalented after viewing.

"Livin on this planet that I'm callin home, I just don't belong."
(Click to download)

     Thanks for checking in today and please support Levar. Its not everyday that we find amazing music like this. Check out his Facebook and please head on over to Coca Cola Much Covers to vote for Levars entry. Don't forget to grab the EP posted above, and check back tomorrow for more great music.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Tropical Thursday 1 : Butcher Blades/ and A-Trak

      I've spent most of my day so far in a classroom or a bar, and without a way to contact The Buddha who should rightfully be posting today. So... today will be our first.... uhm.... Tropical Thursday! Its a balmy 12 degrees celcius outside today. The wind has closed everything up to and including Tim Horton's in some towns, and it seems we've gone from winter to summer in a matter or a couple days. Today can be described in two words, shorts and shots, so we've got us a party article today!

     Our first band today is a three piece group from Brunswick, Australia. The Butcher Blades/ (yes that slash needs to be there). They have a very interesting intro story on their facebook page that really I couldn't even say that I made up. "Twins Grammaticalapple and Goldendelicious met in late December 1983 in the womb, and 26 years later met the Beethtovianic LeBruce. With the live percussive limbs of Gray, they operate heavy machinery by day and spend their nights building beaches out of noise". Well thats the story and thats what they do, so if you're ever down under check them out and if not here's a couple songs to make your day a little sunnier and alot more random.

(Right click, save as or save link as to download)

     Our second artist today is a little more popular, and well not really tropical. A-Trak is a montreal born New York based DJ who was DMC world champ at fifteen. Since then he's been touring the world, making labels, releasing tracks and even spinning discs for Kanye West and soon Jay-Z. So lets have a little Canadian pride here. His newest free album Dirty South Dance 2 has kept me bouncing all day and almost got me kicked out of my exam, that means you should head on over to bandcamp and get it for free.... yeah... free.
(Click to download and get bouncing!)

* Almost four hundred and fifty views as of today, lets hit five hundred by tomorrow when we will be Featuring local artist Levar Allens. Lets get the hype goin, spread this page like herpes and keep on bouncin!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Hardcore Humpday 1 : Armed With Crayons, Carridale, and City Lights

     Today we're delving into a genre I mostly stay away from, not for lack of musical talent just a lack of interest. Until recently that is. A friend of mine at college linked me to a number of Pop-Punk bands, and inspired me to start getting back into the genre. So grab your skinny jeans and push your hair over your face, its the first Hardcore Humpday!

     Our first band is Armed With Crayons, a four piece easycore band out of, get this, Loveland Colorado. Not sure if facebook is playing with me about that town name. This band is easily my favourite of todays selection, with witty lyrics and that infectious up tempo rock sounds its hard not to feeel better. Just when you think you've heard all that this band has to offer, they throw in a punk breakdown full of heavy riffs and, surprisingly, screaming. This change of style combined with my natural curiousity made it hard not to want to hear more. I will leave you to your own opinions as usual

(click to download)

     Our second band today is Carridale, a five man band from Decatur. Their sound is a little heavier than Armed With Crayons, which is refreshing as pop punk can get a little repetitive after a while. I'm not sure what it is but most punk bands just have a talent for creating crazy titles for songs and filling their songs with an infectious smile. Even if that smile is a little lopsided. Head on over to Pop Punk's Not Dead for an interview with Carridale.

    Our third and last band today is City Lights, another five piece easycore band from Columbus Ohio. The band blends a pop punk and hardcore sound, that is easily loveable. Despite being unsigned and not having a label they are doing great, selling over 5,000 copies of their last album without promotion. Thier style of do it yourself tours and hometown feel spread have created a loyal fanbase and recognition from many other musicians.

     *Sorry about the procrastination today, its been a tough one. Shout out to Donny for the music today hope I didn't butcher anything too much, and to all of you readers out there thanks again. The blog is whats keeping me sane so thanks for making it everything it is.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Toxic Tuesday 2 : Azedia, Ooah, and Optimus Gryme

     Aftter much deliberation I decided to post early today although I have many a project on the go. I have an exam in a couple of hours, I'm working on a couple new playlists and formulating ideas for posts later this week. We're also trying out some new formatting if you couldn't tell, and will be adding new features as we progress. Tomorrow will either be our first Hardcore or Hardstyle Humpday, and after that who knows.

     Toxic Tuesday, a quick look at the stats shows that this is one of our most popular weekly posts, and today won't dissapoint. So get your bassfaces on and lets get to the drop.

     Our first artist today is Azedia, a dubstep, trance, chillstep, artist from London. Again not very well known but do a little surfing and you can find and you'll be surprised what you'll find. For me that surprise was his new remixtape which was just dropped on the 20th. His music is a beautiful mix between dubstep and trance, which you might not think would work. The album contains remixes of Rhianna, Ellie Goulding, James Blake and more. Head on over to his MySpace Or Facebook for updates and more info.

(Click to download)

     Our second artist today goes by many names. He is one third of the Glitch Mob, half of Pantyraid, and has his own music out as Of Porcelain and Ooah. I've known of the Glitch Mob for years, and I was big on their stuff on high school but besides Edit I didn't bother to know the names of the other two DJs. Big mistake. Ooah and Borreta are just as good on their own as Edit is, but when they come together their sound fills stadiums and draws crowds from across the world.

(Clcik to download)

     Probably my favourite part of todays article and what finally pushed me to make another Toxic Tuesday is Optimus Gryme. Probably the first dubstep artist that I heard, and most assuredly the reason I still listen. Besides having and amazing name, Optimus Gryme is a dubstep pioneer, dropping hour long remixes that so perfectly showcase everything that is dubstep. Check out his Facebook and Website, and subscribe to his mailing list to receive monthly links to new tracks and promos.

(Click link to access all Volumes)

     *Thanks again for taking time to check us out. This track should push us to at least 400 page views, which is a mental amount in almost two weeks. Keep checking back for more great music and don't forget to like us on Facebook to comment or suggest.

Monday 25 April 2011

Metalstep Monday 1 (Stephen Walking and Ephixa)

     Welcome everyone to a beautifuly cloudy Easter Monday, which unfortunately is just another day full to the brim with bad news and other BS. So as usual, me being the bearer of bad news, todays scheduled post has been cancelled as The Buddha had some family emergencies on the weekend. So we'll switch it up a bit and throw something new up here for our first ever Metal(ish) Monday.

     This weekend wasn't particularily enjoyable for me and I reverted to a genre of music that I had thought long too stale for my ears. I was shocked at what I found. A new genre of metal called deathstep filled my head with the heavy synth sounds of dubstep while screaming voices of rock gods tore my mind to shreds, and I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Read on to have your face torn off by angry DJs and their demonic devices.

     Enter DJ Ephixa the first part of our deathstep duo. For those of you as blissfully ignorant as I was, deathstep is a fusion genre between Death Metal and Dubstep. Its bass heavy, mid-tempo grind makes it among the heaviest of genres today and I love it. DJ Ephixa flits around a bit with his music, he does hardstyle, hard trance, deathstep, drumstep and more so it rarely goes cold. Ephixa does most of his work with Stephen Walking, the second part of todays posting, but without further ado let there be bass!

      Head on over to DJ Ephixa's Bandcamp page for freedownloads of some of his best works and collaberations.

          Stephen Walking, it took me a second or two to get the joke. Like our other favourite zombies, Kanye West and Jesus, Stephen Walking is a BAMF and knows it. His way of taking dubstep songs and adding metal riffs and vocals blows my mind. If I knew something like this existed I would have been right there filling up my hard drive with it. Needless to say I'm making up for lost time and I encourage metal or hardstyle fans to do the same. Again head on over to his Bandcamp or Facebook for the downloads, they are well worth it. Also, if you can please support the band a little money goes a long way. If you aren't a member of the Mulisha then at last give it a listen, maybe suggest it to your metalhead friends and as always let people know about the Daily Beats!

(Click to download)

     Thanks again for all your support. With this post up we'll soon hit 350 views, which is incredible if you think about it. I had just intended for this page to be a one man show page that maybe a couple people followed, but it has grown to much more than that.  Now we're getting shout outs from bands, we have people wanting to write for us and suggesting music. Its far better than I could've imagined. We started a facebook page yesterday, so head on over there if you want updates about postings or to contact us regarding posts or suggestions. Also because I'm in a terrible but thankful mood, I have a little bonus for you guys. If you are a fan of pokemon, or dubstep, or anything I posted today, give these two links a try.

(Click to download)

Sunday 24 April 2011

Special Sunday 2 : Ace Reporter (24/04/2011)

     Happy easter folks, can't say I'm exactly cheery, but instead of the death metal I'm listening to I thought I would hit you with another artist that I've been into for a while that goes largelly unnoticed, Ace Reporter. If I remember correctly I stumbled across Ace Reporter on TBE one day last year, I was instantly dragged into a deep world of acoustic guitar and soft vocals. Ace Reporter is Chris Snyder an indie artist from Booklyn, New York, who records for Genious Collective.

     In 2010 Ace Reporter took on an ambitious project, write a new song every twenty four hours, for three hundred and sixty five days. Now he is in the process of realeasing them all on free EPs on his Bandcamp. "The project was all about my personal relationship to music," says Ace. "My goal was to focus on creativity at the expense of polish - last-minute panic never felt so good." I think we can all relate to that in one way or another, but this is about the music not me, so read on and enjoy.

     His first release, if I have my timelines straight, was the album Untouched and Arrived, a five track album showcasing his skills with guitars and percussion. This album was the first that I heard and was the reason that I continue to follow him and his music.

"Everyone's trying to get back to a feeling that they knew, but I don't need no one to tell me that for me that feeling is you..."
(Click and follow instructions to download)

     The next album is Lean Honey Lean, my personal favourite. This album is by far the catchiest, and most meaningful and has lost none of Untouched and Arrived's charm and musical genius. Give it a listen when you next stop for a moment and take in the world around you.

"Glide throught the city on whiskey rails, god can't stop us tonight..."

     The third release, Sleepyhead is the quiet brother of the family, the one that rarely says anything but when he does it's so profound it makes you stop and think about it. This is rainy day music in its purest form, melancholy love songs reminiscent of the past loves you thought you had forgotten. Save it for that rainy day or whenever you want to delve into the past.

"Sleepyhead, we will hide away above the stairs where its warm and safe..."

     Last but most certainly not least is Ace Reporters newest release, Arcadia. This is almost completely unlike the other EPs as it is a six song collection of originals, remixes, and a cover of Arcade Fire's : We Used To wait. This album is amazing through and through give it a listen and a download and keep your heads up.

"1, 2, 3, 4, I do declare it is a fine day for a war..."

     Thanks again for checking us out, hopefully my short reviews do this music justice, the downloads today are from, but you can head on over to Ace Reporters website to support him. The downloads may require you to be added to the mailing list as today just isn't my day to spend the time tracking the file locations, besides, its worth it to know when artists release new music. Anywho I tried my best to keep it short but with so much great music, expect sundays to be longer posts showcasing artists that have special meaning to me and usually lots of music for your auditory pleasure. Cheers, Ed.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Suggestion Saturday 1 (Explosions In The Sky, Wye Oak, and Drivepilot)

     Saturday, saturday, saturday, what to do for a saturday? All this music what to share? How about music that you guys showed me? We've been getting comments and links in for the last week or so and today I plan on showcasing the best of them. they won't all have download links as of course this isn't music that I found myself, but feel free to listen to the videos and go buy the tracks or dig around for links. So without further ado Suggestion Saturday!

     We'll start of quiet today I think, its the long holiday weekend and even though we should be relaxing there is still lots to do. Queue Explosions In the Sky, a four man band from Austin Texas. Personally I'm not sure how to classify their music so for the moment we will just say indie. One of our new publishers linked me to a song of theirs earlier this week and it knocked me down off everything I had built up that day. The pure beauty of melody and all of the images that grew in my imagination was enough to make me search my itunes library. Sure enough I had a couple of their songs that I had looked over, I am regretting this now and I'm sure you will wish you had heard them earlier too. The only band that I can compare them with would be Godspeed You! Black Emperor, but enough rambling, close your eyes and hit play.

Head on over to their website to stream or buy their album!

     Our second artist today is Wye Oak, a duet from Baltimore, Maryland, consiting of Jenn Wasner and Andy Stack. Again we have the same sort of situation one of their songs was recomended by a friend and upon hearing it I had a look around, sure enough I had some of their songs. We've upgraded a bit from Explosions in the Sky, but only by adding vocals. They have a great easy listening sound that blends indie with folk and anything else they feel like. Check out their website for more info and a digital copy of their new album Civilian, or head on over to youtube for your fill of great indie rock.

          Now to finish with a bang! The last artist today is Drivepilot a DJ from Vancouver, British Columbia. A friend of mine heard one of his tracks in a montage on youtube, which is also where I get alot of my crazy electro. I was rootin around for dowloads but for the best part I suggest heading on over to his MySpace and using soundcloud to download the free tracks he has posted. Alot of his stuff requires payment so search around for the three tracks that are available for free dowload, his fresh sound is definately worth the trouble.

* 300 page views as of today, thanks for making this all worth it. Ed

Friday 22 April 2011

Feature Friday 2 : Melisha (22/04/2011)

     This week we have a special Feature Friday and a band that I happened across in a story worthy way. One day while cruising around youtube I happened across a Two Door Cinema Club video, which I then liked and subscribed to the official channel. I opened my inbox about five minutes later and magically, I had a link sent to me from Melisha for fans of Two Door Cinema club. Being in a good mood I checked it out which is something I rarely do. I was blown away, a new band contacting me and somehow the music is actually good? It was completely unfounded but with the release of their EP I asked them if I could spread it around and thus our second Feature Friday!

     This is one of those occassions that really surprise you, and pleasantly. The whole surprise with discovering this band and now having the ablility to post it up here for all of you to see. This past thursday on Melisha's Facebook  there was a chance to get a free download of their new self titled EP, their first, and let me tell you for a first album, this exceeds expectations. Catchy lyrics and a sound that could cross gaps between genres easily, make this album a must have. Either hit it here or head on over to facebook, twitter, myspace, amazon, or itunes to support this great new band and grab their single for the track Sleepwalking or the entire Melisha EP.

"...And I'm just a child at twenty five, but my face still shows the light..."
(Click to download)

     Thanks for supporting us over our first week posting, we already have over two hundred views, but I'm sure someone has been cheating... *ahem* Donald. We now have viewers here in Canada, the U.S.A, Denmark and even Austria, so keep up the love and spread the word. We'll be back tomorrow for our first Suggestion Saturday. Over the week you guys have been hitting me with some great tracks that I would love to share. If you have any more suggestions or feedback about the blog, music or sexual preferences leave a comment here or on facebook or twitter. Have a great Easter weekend. Editor.

NEW PLAYLIST! April 2011

Check out this April 2011 playlist. It includes remixes of many of you favorite songs, including S&M, Only Girl in the World, and On the Floor. This playlists run time is 45 minutes, and contains 10 tracks. Who could resist 10 free tracks? Download it and enjoy!

1. I Wanna Go Crazy (feat. Will.I.Am)

2. Saturday (Extended Mix)

3. One (Your Name) (Ft. Pharrell)

4. Dance in the Dark (DJ Dark Intensity Remix)

5. Sweat (David Guetta Remix)

6. On The Floor (feat.Pitbul)l [Mixin Marc & Tony Svejda LA to Ibiza Mix]

7. Only Girl (In The World) (Bimbo Jones Radio Edit)

8. Get Outta My Way (Bimbo Jones Radio Edit)

9. Do You Know (I Go Crazy) [Radio Edit]

10. S&M (Dave Aude Radio Edit)

Thursday 21 April 2011

The Buddha's discussion thursday (20/04/2011)

     Hey whats up everyone it's The Buddha back for another installment of some good music. I'm calling today disscussion thursday. Todays talk is about women of course and if you have any problems with them or just wanna say fuck bitches get money or you need to find that one song that describes what your going through, this album might help. This album is by a mashup artist who goes by the name of White Noise, the album's called Disregard Females Acquire Currency. Since I'm a big fan of mash-ups I thought this was a good fit, hope you all enjoy it.

(Click to Download)

     This album was linked to me by MrFlawedLogic, the editor of the blog, specifically for todays post. Give it a listen and don't take it too seriously lol. Have a great easter weekend since i have family things to attend to over the holidays all of you won't hear from me till next week, hopefully early in the week. Have a good one The Buddha

     * Just as a side for today, a song that I have had on repeat for a couple days now, a new song by Freelance Whales, a cover of Girl U Want. So it has been just over a week, just a couple of hours over a week actually, since we started the blog and already we have almost two hundred views, keep it up and enjoy the music! Cheers. Ed

Freelance Whales - Girl U Want
(Click to Download)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Publisher Intro : elenaxmarie (20/04/2011)

     I was asked to post an intro for our newest publisher Elena, she heard about the blog from a mutual friend and asked nicely and thats all it took. She is a genuinely interesting person who unfortunately I know barely anything about other than we share musical interests and she's from the States, thats all I need to know She makes amazing playlists periodically and has promised to make one for the blog every month, check out the first one below.

    Just a quick update this pushes us up to three publishers with two waiting for the opportune moment, after almost a week of publishing we've hit over a hundred views and had one person start an account just to follow us. So thank you very much for checking us out and staying faithful. Besides the fact that I already posted today Elena sent me a mix she made for the blog, cheers.

Fall 2010 Playlist By ElenaxMarie

1.Buttons (Dave Audé Buttons Fly Club Remix)
2.Survive (Anton Wick Elektra Remix)
3.Ghost on a G6
4.Sweet Dreams (Djs From Mars Bootleg Remix)
5.Naked (Yuan Remix)
6.Commander (Radio Edit)
7.Turn The Lights Off (Paramond Remix)
8.World on Fire (Radio Edit)
9.United As One (Niv Cohen Remix) (feat Sibel) 
10.Come On (Rom.C Remix)

Winning Wednesday 1 (Paper Diamond, The National, and Paper Crows)

     Welcome viewers to Winning Wednesday! The day that we all hate, which is now apparently 420, so ups and downs today all around. And I must say it is confusing what to post today, I thought about doing some popular remixes that I have been noticing floating around. Now with my lead publisher not answering texts so early in the morning I guess its again completely up to me, so without further ado, Winning Wednesday!

     Being what today is I will throw a little something at you for later tonight, a little something special from Boulder, Colorado. Paper Diamond/Pretty Lights, Derek Vincent, the man behind all of the amazing music at has brought you something fresh. A Toni Braxton remix following his new flavour of music now that he has made his own record label and expanded his fanbase with the release of the Levitate EP not that long ago. The EP is what you've come to expect from Derek if you've ever heard any of his earlier work, just without the samples, and with the bass down low. Hit the link and vid down below for the song of the day and the link above for the Levitate EP. Head on over to his website for free downloads for all of his work and his other great projects.

     Now for us that aren't a huge fan of wednesday do I have something for you. This week saw the release of a game that I myself have been waiting quite some time for, and would have if I had any money would have already bought, Portal 2. Now just yesterday did I find out that one of the main songs is written and performed by The National, an indie rock band from Cincinatti, Ohio. This track is pure unremixed beauty filled with strings and piano, just soft enough to calm you down after the half of a week that is so boring it would lead you here to me.

"Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?"
Exile Vilify - The National
(Right click the link and hit save as or save link as depending on what browser you are using)

     The second part of our little wednesday relaxation is a remix of a song by the Paper Crows. I stumbled across this song in my library early last week and instantly fell in love with the soft lyrics and piano somehow remixed into a song that will ruin your emotional stability if you let it, beautiful but dangerous, guard yourself.

"Sorry this is forever..."
(Right click the link and hit save as or save link as depending on what browser you are using)

     *Just a quick little shoutout, if you would like to see something more interesting done on wednesdays give me a comment here or on facebook or twitter, feedback is key. Also starting soon we may be branching pages of the main blog here for video game and movie reviews and possibly anything else that may warrant your attention, stick around. Ed

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Toxic Tuesday 1 (19/04/2011)

     Its hard to rhyme anything with tuesday or even connect any words with it to make some kind of fun day out it, but tuesdays are just tough, thus toxic tuesday. The title happens to be the scond contribution from a future publisher and dear friend to be introduced soon enough, the first contribution happens to be reminding me about DJ JewBoy for mashup monday yesterday.

     So on to Toxic Tuesday, this week we have a trio of bangers for you. These tracks may be from last week, but that doesn''t turn down the hype one bit. We'll start off with the less known track, by Pyramid, a french electro producer from Lyon who just dropped his new EP, Hall. This EP has the backing of electro legend Busy P and is now available on iTunes and Juno, so head there for more.

     I myself just discovered this artist last week when it was posted on GQAC and from the moment I first heard it I knew I had to share it. It does something most electro songs can't or at least won't do, relax you. When you think electro you usually think club music and dancing, not to say that this track doesn't have an infectious beat, its just an intelligent beat. This track makes you think, and although it is subtle it is undoubtably french, give it a listen and you'll hear the difference. I have about four more songs by Pyramid, comment for the links.

     Once  again we have a hot track from the dubstep king, Skrillex, this one you may have heard about or maybe the new Mortal Kombat game it was released for. This is reptiles theme, and let me say this, there is no way I'm not playing as Reptile whenever I hit this game. For a game score I can't believe this hasn't been done before, I mean Congorock, Skrillex, JFK, Felix Cartal and Run DMT all in one soundtrack? This is one energy packed adrenaline rush of a song that won't have any moral qualms about speeding up your tuesday, and dropping the bass down an octave or three, enjoy.

     Our last track is that of Guilt, by a duo (Dan Stephens & Joe Ray) from the island, Nero. This track features vocals by Alana, Nero's main source of amazing samples since 2008's This way, which is conincedentaly when Nero first went main stream, dropping one of the hottest dubstep, drum and bass songs of the year. Give it a listen and a special place on your MP3 player, and we'll be back tomorrow with more auditory magic. Cheers, Ed.

Monday 18 April 2011

Mashup Monday 1 : DJ JewBoy (18/04/2011)

     Welcome fellow music lovers to our premiere mashup monday here on Shaggy's Daily Beats! Today we are showcasing an artist that has been refered to as the best mashup artist on the market, DJ JewBoy, a personal and crowd favourite. Since 2007 DJ JewBoy has been breaking the stereotypes and rising up the charts to become Chicago's finest amateur mashup artist. To start off we'll give you a bit of a sampler here, a taste if you will of the music I will be posting here and the many more albums that can be found floating around the internet. But first a link to a interview with DJ JewBoy himself if you are interested in doing some light reading and discovering a bit more about this artist.

DJ JewBoy : Keepin' It Is-Real Vol. 1

     JB has about five albums out there but today to save you some time and harddrive space we'll be showcasing his Keepin' it is-real tapes, which are easy to handle nimble mashups perfect for parties or studying, or whatever you plan to do these days. It seems nothing is sacred to DJ, well nothing music wise, enjoy.

DJ JewBoy : Keepin It Is-Real Vol. 2

     Continuing with the hype he generated with his previous albums, JB continues with his GirlTalk esque mashups, remixing everything from The Bloodhound Gang to Kesha and back again. Full of fast beats and seamless song stiching that will have you moving even if you aren't a fan.

     Well here's hoping we've broadened your musical horizons, based on feeedback recieved we might do this every monday as there are countless mashups artists floating around with free music, or music we can make free with a little manuevering, have a great start of the week, cheers. Ed

Sunday 17 April 2011

Special Sunday/ Editor's pick (Entry 4 17/04/2011)

     So not entirely sure what to post on sundays that would interest you guys, I was going to do a folk friday and then we decided it would be better to do a feature friday and have an artist of the week with all of their music that I had floating around my hard drive. So today, randomly, I remembered Sean Fournier, an artist from Milford Connecticut that I have been following for some time. I came in randomly around his album Oh My which also happens to be my favourite. So without further ado ladies and gentlemen, Sean Fournier.

Sean Fournier- Oh My (Album)

"This is a true confession of a man who lost his mind..."

     This album is really something special, I first came across a couple songs from it on an acoustic midterm mixtape from GMAD and liked the acoustic so much I decided to do some digging around the internet and to much dissapointment I had to hunt no further than his Facebook page. Sean likes to blend soft guitars and piano with his lyrics that just make you want to love someone as much as this music. Give this album a listen as it is my personal favorite, and well that has to count for something.

Sean  Fournier- What I Must Do (Single)

"Hand in hand we walk through the cold. Trying to get home, trying to get home..."

     This single sums up everything we don't want to admit to ourselves, in one beautifully depressing piano filled package, again possibly not safe for someone who has got out of a relationship recently or maybe it is. I don't know how self destructive you guys are, all I know is that this song just rips a path through your heart and pulls on something, grab it if you want to discover more about yourself, just be warned.

Sean Fournier- Paper Tiger (Album)

"If your love was a broken stereo, I'd be music to your ears..."

     I discovered this album a little late I must confess, so I haven't fully listened to it but I plan to today on the way back to college. So this is still the same Sean, he just throws in some autotuning in some spots and alot more fun percussion and other tech that I will let you pick out for yourself. Broken stereo is on this album, the acoustic version is on Oh My and although the acoutsic lets more of the emotion through that doesn't mean that the full version doesn't deserve some love, so hit this album and cruise till tomorrow. 

*     Any comments regarding what you might like to see, what kind of posting days we should have or any hate mail there is a comments section right under the post, cheers. Ed.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Publisher Intro, Mike A.K.A The Buddha Entry 3 16/04/2011

     Hi everyone I'm Mike aka The Buddha, MrFlawedLogic and I decided that I should join on and do this blog together. Were both very interested in underground and mainstream dub-step, rap, hip-hop, folk, mash-ups, and a little bit of everything else. I also write music and once the blog starts picking up I shall start posting lyrics. Hopefully further on as we go we will be posting full length feature songs made by the two us. If you all want you can follow me on twitter, although I'm still in the process of finishing it all up, so you can get to know me a bit better it will be finished by Sunday or even later today.

     I thought I'd leave you guys and girls with a song that MrFlawedLogic and I decided was my theme song...

*     Just as a little bonus for all of you that are following us here, heres another bangin Mike Posner remix, enjoy. (Editor)

Mike Posner-Save Your Goodbye (Johnny Lawson Remix)

Friday 15 April 2011

Artist of the Week : M.i. (Week 1) 15/04/2011

     Second post today, all though it doesn't feel like its only been a few hours, a lot has happened. Most importantly I convinced a friend to write for the beats and possibly drop some lyrics our way. We're working on a posting schedule so for now I will post two albums from a site that I pull from regularily.

     The first album is the jack Johnson session, this is where I came onto the scene and discovered M.i. I love this mixtape its probably the reason that I started listening to rap. Its M.i. rapping over some Jack Johnson songs, and let me tell you some artists are good for one thing, this guy all though largely unknown can rap with the best of them and his songs are full to the brim with meaning and rthym. Give it a listen even if you don't like rap or R&B you never know when your opinion might change.

     This is M.i.'s  newest album and he hasn't lost any of the momentum he gained with everything he has done so far. This is genius in no small amount, get this or don't its still something very special. His lyrics and rthym are unmatched for an unsigned artist, he is clearly in my top five favourite young rappers.

     If you want a taste before you hit any of the tapes check out this video for understand, one of the few songs you will find floating around by him on mainstream sites. We'll try to post again over the weekend if not this should tide you over. Next week we will start workin on a schedule maybe have some special days maybe some freebies for subscribing to the blog, who knows, life is change, have a great weekend.

15/04/2011 Entry One

     So epic first entry, a song that was released yesterday afternoon, a collaberation between long time metalheads Korn and former from first to last frontman Skrillex (Sonny Moore). As soon as I heard this song I posted it twice on facebook and made sure someone else noticed it, I must have played it till my ears bled. The chill dubstep pumps pure evil and amazingness into your head while James and John from Korn sing sweet nothings till you want to weep... well maybe that was just me. Surprisingly this is one track that remains true to its roots and the heavy riffs of Korn are accented by Skrillex's heavy bass womps until the breakdown, and well shit goes down fast and heavy and I can't get enough. This is an epic piece of dubstep history from the hottest DJ on the market and a band that I for one would love to make a massive comeback.


     That link will take you to's article and a preview of the track for a download grab a reliable downloader and head over to youtube... or do it legally and wait till it comes out on Korn's EP which is supposedly coming out this month. I will be doing both, and jammin to it on the way up north this weekend. Also head on over to Korn or Skrillex's facebook or twitter pages for further updates, and to just be an overall better person.