Tuesday 31 May 2011

Toxic Tuesday 7 : Emalkay, and Excision.

     First off lets start with an apology for me being so busy over the last few days, I had to pack a room and drive it up north here on friday, then on the weekend my time was spent driving my parents around and trying to fit everything back into my house. That being said my internet connection here is prehistoric, having a download speed of about 15 kB/s, which is like not even having internet at all. But excuses aside, on to our seventh Toxic Tuesday.

     Our first artist today is Emalkay, a dubstep giant from Birmingham, UK. You may remember a while back we had a remix by Ephixa and Stephen Walking of his song "When I Look At You", and if you thought it couldn't get any better, think again.

(click to download)

     This is Emalkay's debut dubstep album, and his years of producing grime and garage music definately show through as this is the dirtiest dubstep we've posted for a long time. With aptly placed vocals to offset the low bass lines, this albums usually kicks it around 140 BPM, no surprise really, so turn the volume up and the bass down low.

     Our second artist today is, I would say, the majority of talent in British Columbia, aside from Downlink. Excision, is straight up in my top five dubstep producers, rising even higher when I narrow it down to Canadians. Everyone always talks about having a "Trademark sound" really I think Excision more has a trademark feel. His work is that amazing easily done laid back sense to it, like he could make it better but it might kill you.

Excision - X Sessions Mix (Song)
(Right click, save as to download)

     The link above will get you a mix from Excisions facebook, fully an hour long. Most tracks of that size lose their pace after about fifteen minutes, fewer still manage to hold the attention of the listener for the full hour, lets just say you had better have an hour to spare. The tracklist for the mix can be found here, and another three mixes of the same size can be found on his Soundcloud, as well as ten free tracks by Excision including the hilarious "Whalestep".

     Thanks for checking us out and sorry for the wait, in a perfect world I would have a better connection, no nagging parents, and the money to not need a job... speaking of money, if you can please support the bands we post, everything counts even a like on Facebook or a subscribe on Youtube. I don't own these tracks and they are for promotional purposes only, so don't abuse the privileges, and stay tuned for more.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Rainy Thursday: The National

Today, there will be no alliteration. I do not have the energy, nor do I really have the time this late in the day. Sorry to disappoint. But who knows, maybe this will stick, as it reflects my personal blog. I really got the inspiration from having spent a good couple of hours out in the rain today putting up a big tent...I just thought it was fitting.

For today's post, I have a band that was introduced to me by one of the guys I worked with at the park (also fitting, as that's where I spend most of my days working). This particular friend is now up in the Yukon doing some sort of solitary work out there, so this is my tribute to him.

The National is based out of Brooklyn and consists of five artists. Matt Berninger, with his "beautiful earthquake of a voice," adds something to this music that I find easy to get lost in.  The first song I ever listened to (as well as the only song I had from them for a good six months) was frequently put on replay on my computer or ipod while I was studying or writing, or just wanted to think. Check it out if you would like:

The National has seven albums out to date, their first being a self titled album, and the last named High Violet. I suggest that you check out music from all of their albums, as I find songs from each to be wonderful. If you are interested in getting your hands on this music I've got a site with four free downloads on it. You can access those at betterPropaganda. Other than that, you're going to have to either find your own download links, or you can search for the music and use Listentoyoutube to download the songs that you want to have in your music library.


Wednesday 25 May 2011

Hardcore Humpday 4 : All's Quiet, and Dancing With Paris + Bonus

     I think I've been procrastinating with this post way too much today as it is now running on six thirty in the evening here. I've got two artists for you today recommended by Ian, who wrote last weeks post, and a little something at the end for sticking around.

     Our first group today is a five piece metal band from the back woods of Michigan, All's Quiet. Thier debut album, Like Vultures, is currently blowing my mind.

(Click to download)

     Best to start this off with a warning I suppose, don't be tricked by the into track. It starts off all unsuspecting electro, with light synths and that damn beeping that makes me think I'm burning my dinner. But when that track is gone to a blissful place and taken you with it, the second track kicks you right in the teeth. Fading in with heavy riffs reminiscent of any rock band, it quickly morphs into that automatic head banging music, are you bouncing in your seat yet? All's Quiet is that special breed of metal that can combine a classic rock sound, with harsh throat tearing vocals, and guitars out the ass, with a gentle back vocal and a hint of electronica. Check out their album above and don't say I didn't warn you.

     Our second group today is a four piece from Toronto, Ontario, Dancing With Paris

(Click to download)

     This band introduces a completely unique sound, their facebook says, metalcore/pop, itunes says groovecore.... wait.... groovecore? Those are two words I didn't think anyone would put together without a healthy dose of cocaine, but none the less I will let them do the explaining, cause I am at a loss for words. 

"Take a block of spicy metalcore with a dash of rock, stir in 3 cups of Southern spice, add a cup of hardcore (non traditional) breakdowns, dice up a fair portion of soothing pop vocals and sprinkle a little dance spice on top. Let it simmer on the stove for 17 minutes and serve it while it’s still hot. This is the recipe that has come to be Dancing With Paris."

     I think that I agree with that description I unceremoniously ripped off facebook, but we can easily say that you won't be able to form your own opinion without listening to it first.

     So thats it for our fourth Hardcore Humpday, tradition I say. Although it was nice having it written for me, I can't say I don't enjoy having the music handed to me and just making my own article. Its always nice to throw in some metal and rage the day away, and theres nothing like it for shifting your mind into overdrive and getting things done. So for those of you that don't appreciate the metal as much as others heres a link to a page where you can download the score from Portal Two. Its an amazing album straight from Aperture Science, so full of electronic goodness over their trademark charm. Mind the lemons.

Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory - Portal 2 : Songs To Test By (Album)

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Toxic Tuesday 6 : Shem, The Luna Sequence and Traxx Project

     No intro today I thought it best to just jump right into the music and hasten the day. Our first artist today is Shem, a name unto itself. Shem completely blew my mind last week when I stumbled onto his/their work after some cruising on youtube.

(Click to download) 

     The first track is a remix of In Heaven by Helios, a song I never heard before this and I'm sure that I won't be able to listen to the original now. With all this crazy rapture nonsense going on its the perfect song, and again Shem is one of those crazy talented dubstep artists that somehow manages to make soft dubstep, and powerful dubstep at that. Hit the album and turn it up.

     As far as I remember we've never had a female dubstep artist here on the daily beats, well here to break that dry spell is The Luna Sequence.

(Click for albums: They Follow You Home and Underneath)

     The amazing part about the work of Kaia Young, is the range of musical possiblity. Not only dubstep, but drum and bass, metal and industrial. A plethora of amazingness too good to pass up. One thing that sparked my interest as well, is she the fact that her current project is to create an album completely with free software. Makes me want to start producing. Hit the link above for two full length albums entirely for free.

     Our last artist today is Traxx Project. Kaine Shutler is a DnB producer from Cullompton, United Kingdom, and as always, how do the British make such amazing music? Not that my being British has anything to do with the whole amazing part...

     Traxx Project tends to be more into Drum and Bass, which is never a problem. I love the blend of remixes and original creations that great artist like this produce. The best part is when you know some of the songs being remixed, and somehow they manage to improve on them. 

     Hit one of the links above depending on whether you want to pick songs before you download them. The website has all of his music either for free or sale, and all of it is extremely worth it. 

     Sorry about the lack of overall consciousness today, and the lack of a post yesterday. I'm starting to think the post everyday thing is a bit much. Maybe we will cut Monday and/or Thursday out of the mix to give me time to rest and finish up these course. Once I get my co-op posts may be even slower. But do not lose faith just yet, there is always more amazing music on the internet, and we will continue to show our support. Speaking of support w hit 1400 views today, which is amazing even with the recent downward slope. Spread the word and the music. 

Sunday 22 May 2011

The Way It Was : Parachute

This album has been out for a little under a week, but I had the pleasure of listening to the full album several weeks before hand thanks to MOG! This album is sure to make my top list of album releases of the year and its only May so that is saying a lot.

I heard of this band back in 2009 when they released their album Losing Sleep. I wasn't exactly in love with them at this point, but did keep the track She Is Love. So here is a link for one of the most popular songs on the album...White Dress...oh and btw there is another free download off the album on iTunes....I'll link that to you too!!

Saturday 21 May 2011

Serene Saturday 2 : Olafur Arnalds

     Welcome to the May 24 weekend, the absolute most hectic weekend up here in the great white north. This is the weekend tourist season begins, everyone leaves their crazy lives in the big city and heads up north for some relaxing time at the cottage, which in turn changes the lives of every up here from relaxing to absolutely bat shit insane.

     I'm starting to think that on these really busy days when I can barely post at all they will be just one artist, maybe one of their albums and some links, as like I said, this is the single busiest weekend up here. If I had more time, and maybe a better internet connection you would get more. But seeing as how the world didn't end I would say you shouldn't be asking for much anyway.

     Olafur Arnalds is a multi-instrumentalist and producer from Mosfellsbaer, Iceland. Arnalds was the drummer for metal bands Fighting Shit, and Celestine as well as others. Knowing this it is almost impossible to believe it. I listened to his solo work long before I even knew about the work with metal bands. His classical sounds mixed with piano and strings create emotional masterpieces out of every
track. To me this is the emotive music, the sit down and watch the rain, let the world go by music. Truthfully its isn't easy to function at all when you
play these tracks, so put your head back and relax. Check out his website above, and head here for a complete list of his albums, and purchase links.

     Olafur is also starting a solo tour, so just him and his piano, maybe some electronics, check out his website for location details. His way of touring is really quite amazing, his concerts take audience participation to a whole new level. He sometimes records the audience singing or clapping and turns it into a beat for him to freestyle piano to, check the vid below for more details. 

Friday 20 May 2011

Feature Friday : End of the World Edition : Tyr

     Well if you subscribe to sensationalist theories about the world ending around 2pm today then we've got a treat for you, and you need a soundtrack for the hasty preparations you have before meeting your end. First off let me say I'm completely pumped for finding out what happens later as I will be scooting up north on the highway with my dad blaring viking metal and loving life. It really makes me not want to go to class today but at least writing this the night before gives me enough time to actually do some drinking after class and before the world ends.

     Way back in ancient times (1998), in the Faroe Islands, a band of vikings picked up guitars and rose their voices to Asgard in hopes of channeling the ancient god of war, Tyr. Their accomplices at Napalm records need more slaves so they let this band of musical marauders loose upon the unsuspecting world.

     A couple years ago I invested in an issue of Metal Hammer that had a battle metal sampler disc as an extra, I can truthfully say that Tyr was the only band that stood out from the rest of the folk metal. Since then I have been on the look out for any of their records whenever I hit the old record store. Suddenly realizing my foolishness, I pulled a mediafire for their second newest album, By the Light of the Northern Star. My life has been made. Full to the brim with driving guitar riffs and some of the most fanciful drumming I've heard in a long time, this album takes me back to my inner norseman. What better music to end the world with??

"By the sword in my hand I will conquer the land"

     I apologize for the short post today, but end of the world and all that jazz, bet they won't care about the copyright infringements and such either. So if the world isn't going to shit put on your chain mail and hoist the sails, cause we'll still be holding the heathen hammer high!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Typical Thursday: Simon & Garfunkel and The Pretty Reckless

Alright folks, I'm back again. I've labelled today "Typical Tuesday" because I found nothing to be particularly special about it. Nothing really spectacular happened, but nothing terrible happened either. So, in honour of this typical day, I have two songs for you.

First up is Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkel. I chose this song because I have recently decided to learn how to play this song on my guitar. This is only one of many renditions of this beautifully haunting song, which has existed since before the 1800s. It is a very old traditional tune that has been made modern and I feel it's worth a listen to.

"Remember me to one who lives there"

The second and final song that I have for you today is You by The Pretty Reckless. I've had this song kicking around in my music library for a while now and since December, it has seemed more relevant. Taylor Momsen is not my favourite, and this song is the only one that I really like, but this song takes me somewhere I'm too afraid to go very often and I think that gives her some validation. I figure that's reason enough to share it with you, and I hope you can relate to it, enjoy it...whatever it may be for you.

"I can't have you, no, like you have me"

Sorry for the shortness of this, and I'm sorry if it seems sort of disjointed, and I'm REALLY sorry that it's so late. I had a busy day, and had some homework to get to before I could do this, but it's here now and I hope you like it. To download these songs, I don't have any direct links, so just head on over to ListenToYouTube. This is just a reminder that I do not own the rights to any of this music, I am simply posting it here to open your eyes to something new.

Take care, all

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Hardcore Humpday 3 (Guest Special) : Counterparts, Architects and Dead & Divine

     Today we have something a little different, a friend of mine hit a crazy show in Hamilton and had the urge to write about it, and well its as easy as that to get your words posted here. So read on for his review of the concert, the bands and over amazingness!

     Normally I'm not a big ‘blogger’ but sometimes I experience serious craziness and I just feel the need to ramble on about it. Last night I loaded me, my girlfriend and a buddy in the car and made the trek to Hamilton for what turned out to be one of the craziest, sweatiest, most amazing shows of my life.

     The first band, Fall City Fall was actually featured in last weeks ‘Hardcore Humpday’, so I’m not going to get into too much detail other than saying they have one crazy live set, and being front row I got to take It all in first hand. From the singer doing some crazy seizure dance on the floor to the bassist stage diving to the drummer exploding his kick drum, of which I caught a piece. All I can say was their set was amazing. If they ever play anywhere near you run there and get the hell up front.

     Second up were Hamilton’s hometown heroes Counterparts, a 5 piece hardcore band formed way back in 2007. These young guns have been taking the local scene by storm and everyone in that room last night knew them. Their first release in February 2010, Prophets, is a heavy salute to the origins of hardcore, and then when most bands would sit on the album for a year, half a year later they hit the studio again to make a split EP with another Ontario hardcore band, Exalt. The kids were throwing fists and circle pitting hard and I was regretting not leaving the stage front when I had the chance, and I’m not a small guy. There were people standing on my shoulders and pulling my hair. I couldn’t stand my ground for more than 3 songs so sadly, I bailed and took in the rest of their set from the side. On top of all this they recently signed to Victory Records, props to a local band making it. They are intense, and I have a feeling were all going to be seeing more of these young guns.
Counterparts do not have a music video yet, but here is a decent quality live song, it’s their song Sturdy Wings, get crazy!

     Third was someone I’ve seen before back with the late The Holly Springs Disaster, Architects who completely destroyed. They are a 5 piece hardcore band all the way from the rainy UK, signed to Century Media Records worldwide, and Distort Entertainment here in Canada. Formed in 2004, architects have released 4 albums to date and one split ep, Nightmares (2006), Ruin (2007), Architects/ Dead Swans split EP (2008), Hollow Crown (2009) and finally, The Here And Now (2011). They fuse heavy breakdowns and punk elements together with a front man with an amazing vocal range and make you move, no matter what. For their set I was standing on the edge of the pit witnessing how serious Hamilton’s scene is, those kids went crazy, I haven’t seen that much devotion to a band in a long time. Everyone in that room knew every word and everyone was moving.

     This video is off their Hollow Crown album, it’s called Follow The Water, try not to sing along at the end, I dare you.

     And finally, up came Dead And Divine, the headliners, and one of my absolute favorite bands in the entire world. I’ve seen them a countless number of times and I am blown away every single time. D&D are a 5 piece hardcore band out of Burlington, Ontario, who have made a huge name for them selves since forming in way back in 2003. Their first EP, Her Name Was Tragedy, back in 2004 wasn’t taken on very well and it wasn’t until they released their first full length in 2005, What Really Happened At Lovers Lane. People quickly realized these boys are a force to be reckoned with and they since have released 2 albums (The Fanciful, 2008 and The Machines We Are, 2009) that push the envelope of the hardcore genre, and seriously get under your skin. D&D have a new album coming out in August called Antimacy and from the songs I heard last night, it wont disappoint. Their set was heavy, addictive, and had the whole room shaking. Even when the mic shitted out and it was just the band playing without vocals everyone in the room was singing and giving their all. I was still holding my spot at the corner of the pit taking in the craziness that is the Hamilton hardcore scene. There were more fists flying than a Jackie Chan flick, it was serious business. Dead and divine destroyed the tiny venue and got an encore, because we could never get enough.
     This video is off my favorite album of theirs, The Fanciful, it’s called Like Wolves

     Last night was one of the best nights of my life; I will not soon forget it. I met up with old friends and met some new faces and it was all in all amazing. Please check out these bands, you will not be disappointed, keeps this scene thriving.

     Well thats it for another brain bashing Hardcore Humpday, mad props to my buddy Ian for getting that crazy feeling and writing this all out and doing every last bit of searching. Ian has also provided the bands and links for the last edition and hopefully will do so again. Keep hitting the shows and layin it down.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Toxic Tuesday 5 : Moleman, and Kidnap & Ransom

     Another early morning with minimal caffeine, somehow I managed to rush through that class and get back here so I could post, cause we got some massive beats for you today.

     You may remember my story way back in our first Feature Friday about how I found Melisha because of their message to me on Youtube. Well in today (or the last week or so) I was friended on Youtube by Moleman183. I'm not sure of the time because I always forget about my inbox and half the time the only people interested in me run small gameplay channels or country music bands... But this time I checked the page and lo and behold, a drum and bass track... with a free download none the less!
Instantly impressed I plugged my headphones into the labs Dell and was completely shocked by the fast drum and bass beat and unique rave synths. After alerting everyone else in my class to my taste in music I did some looking around and what I saw made me wish I had a credit card, three full liquid drum and bass albums. So whether you have funds or not check out Moleman here on his facebook, here on his Youtube channel, or hit the track Rush below.

(Click to download)


    Our last group today is a dubstep duo that isn't very well known, Kidnap & Ransom. Thats the joy of the internet music scene, you have to enjoy the hunt, cause after you sift through all the mediocrity of the majority of music you find these trophies like K&R. There new track Immersion was featured on Epic Bass Time last Friday and unfortunately for me and my horrible connection at home I just reeled it in yesterday. It is a beautiful combination track, combining the keyboard ambiance of trance with the heavy forceful beat of uptempo dubstep. This track is a real find for all you dubstep lovers and fans of any kind of electronic music. 

(Right click and save as to download)

     *Just as an addition, if you crave more from K & R download all of their tracks here

     A big thanks to everyone that has tuned in for todays article or any previous tracks, and all of our new readers. Its another rainy day here at NCC, we all do our best to stay slightly inebriated and march through the day, but posting is what I look forward to and I hope you love the music as much as we do. Please if you have anything to say leave a comment here or on facebook every thought counts. I apologize for the slightly smaller post but I hear that its the best way to do it. Check back tomorrow for a brand new Hardcore Humpday article written by my old friend Ian. 

Monday 16 May 2011

Magic Monday : Blackmill and New Playlist

     Pure blissful indecision, thats all I have to bring to the table today. Its been a super long weekend driving from college to my house up north and back again, mixed in with dropping off a mixtape and getting my eyes checked. It has just been so tiring. That and the massive stress involved in finding myself not only a job but a co op position in the required field, has made this last month absolute hell.

     Thats why today we'll just be having a short post, showcasing a beautiful melodic dubstep song, yes dubstep and beautiful in the same sentence. Not sure if many of you have heard of Blackmill while floating around youtube, but from an early age this producer has had a golden touch with all of his songs. Really more chillstep than anything else, these tracks have the power to transcend everything that has been pressuring you, and just make it all dissapear. This is beauty in its purest musical form.

     Those of you interested in downloading the track need just use listentoyoutube.com or leave a comment here or on facebook and I will upload the track to Mediafire.

     The second part of todays meager post is a mixtape that I made for a friend that has so far gotten a good review. It contains alot of tracks from previous metal posts and some that I saved just for this occasion. One track is missing and that is Self Vs. Self by Pendulum ft. In Flames but if you downloaded Immersion here a while back you should have that track already. I apologize as the list got a little mixed up along the way.

(Click to download tracks individually)

Track List and Order:

Celldweller - The Wings of Icarus
Vices, Live in 3D! - The Great American Novel
Straightline Stitch - Tear Down the Sky
Damage Vault - SFG
Blue Stahli - Ultranumb
Fall City Fall - Dead Eyes
City Delivered - WBK
War of Ages - Collapse
Audioactive - Multiplicity
Asking Alexandria - A Prophecy
Static X - Set it Off
Skrillex - Get Up ft. Korn
Stephen Walking and Ephixa - Piano Tune Metal Edit
Emanuel - Scenotaph ( DJA Infected Remix )
Pendulum - Self Vs. Self  ft. In Flames
Stephen Walking and Ephixa - When I look At You Metal Edit
DJ Hyper - The End ( Beatman and Ludmilla Remix)
Stephen Walking - Harry (Bare Noize Remix) Metal Edit
Katy B - Katy on a Mission (Shadowman Dubstep Remix)
Drivepilot - Devils in Milan 
Neon Sky - Doomsnight Institution (Sybreed Doomsday Party Remix)

     Again I don't own any of this music I upload it for your musical pleasure, please don't abuse it. Thanks also for helping us make 1100 views in just over a month. If you have any suggestions, problems or just want to shoot the shit head on over to our Facebook page and give us a like, it goes a long way. Hope you had a great weekend, check in tomorrow for another Toxic Tuesday.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Sleepy Sunday: James Vincent McMorrow

Hey everybody. It's K, back for my second installment in this blog. Sorry that this is so late in the day, and sorry that it is going to be such a short post today, but I don't have a ton of time before I head out for the evening.

I decided that today was kind of a sleepy day. It was very windy here, and as I work at a local Natural Heritage class Provincial Park, I got to spend a lot of my day getting blown around by it. At the same time, I find the wind relaxing, and I love the way it sounds...especially when I'm in bed at night staring at my ceiling.

I'm just going to throw one artist your way today, but he recently caught my attention because I saw him mentioned in an obscure magazine subscription that my family got for me on my birthday or something. At the time I saw his name I really didn't think much of him, but upon checking him out on YouTube, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found.

Now as I don't have much time left, I will just leave you with a site that has as much of his music as you wish to download. However, if you like his works, I strongly suggest that you head on over to itunes and purchase his music from there to support him.

James Vincent McMorrow

That's all for now. Have yourself a great end to this sleepy Sunday.


Saturday 14 May 2011

Suggestion Saturday 2 Anniversary Edition : Tim Hecker, KWES, and Hartford

     One month, truthfully longer than most people can see me being committing to anything besides an asylum. Aside from the obvious its been a good month, surpassing my expectations as we hit over 1000 views as of sometime yesterday (when I couldn't check the stats cause blogger was down). This has gone so well I thought we would do a special suggestion Saturday for our one month showcasing some great Canadian artists suggested by our readers. So without further ado let the celebration begin.

     One rainy day while swapping music with an old friend of mine I was passed an album by Tim Hecker,  contrary to popular belief I had never heard of his work or him for that matter. Upon doing a bit more digging I discovered that he was a B.C. born producer based out of Montreal, and the most interesting fact was that he had toured with Godspeed You! Black Emperor. It was an obvious branch off of the post rock that I was indulging in at the time, ambient. Not a term I use very often as, besides for Atticus Ross and some of Trent Reznor's work, I barely listen to it at all. I realize now that is my downfall. His work has been described as "structured ambient", "tectonic color plates" and "cathedral electronic music". Personally I would just call it mind wiping. This is the music you put on when you need to leave this place, and we all do sometimes.

(Click to download)

     This is a gem that I have been saving for today, my pick for the anniversary edition, KWES. I don't really know what it is that my caffeine addled mind loves about Rifle Eyes experimental musicians so much. Maybe its the blending of genres so the music never quite gets old enough to take it off your favorite playlists. Maybe its the driving hip hop beats layered with witty lyrics that not only drive your day forward but bring a smile to it. Maybe its the samples or hidden political undertones that make it so I can't stop checking to see if theres anything new dropping from these great artists. KWES is no different from the artists we've featured before, Dream Jefferson, Danny Deleto, and James Hancock. He takes his music as seriously as we should, and don't forget to actually listen to the words as they flit through your brain, you might learn something. Grab the album below and read a full album review by Lesson Six here.

(Click to download)

     Our last group today is on the complete other end of the musical spectrum, but thats what we do here. Hartford, a four piece pop-punk band from Ottawa, again props to Don for laying this stuff on me, as it isn't my piece of the musical cake. But as far as punk goes I understand that they are quite good, it just makes me wish my dad had left me warm coffee before he scooted off to Peterborough, not this drearily freezing sludge, so maybe I could have enough energy to properly appreciate this music. 

(click to download)

     I love these suggestion days, as it lets me post artists in the same article that have no right being on the same site let alone post. It amuses me to no end having an ambient producer, a political MC and a pop-punk band all kicking around.  It makes it even better when they're all from the great white north. To risk being long winded thanks everyone who suggested music, and keep it up, as we love your feedback and there is nothing better than free music... well maybe if music came with coffee... Aside from that thanks again for checking in and your continued support as we enter into our second month of posting, and my sincerest apologies for blogger being down yesterday, if I could've this post would have been up then. 

Thursday 12 May 2011

Creators Pick : Favorite 5 Free Music Sites

     Today I thought I would take some time off from just specifically music. That being said if you do need some new music today don't forget to check out any earlier posts thats you may have missed or our Facebook page which I update periodically with tracks that haven't made it to the blog. So today I thought I would let you guys in on a few music finding secrets of mine, namely my five top sites to pull music from.

1. Youtube

     Youtube? You say. Yes Youtube, most likely my all time favorite website, for music, for information, for games, for technology and everything else under the sun. They may not advertise the free music on it but there is alot to be found. Personally I find gameplay montages to be a pure source of amazing fast paced electronic or traditional music. Then upon checking the description for the name of the song, you just type it back into the sites search bar. From there you may find a direct download link on that video, if not there are a huge number of Youtube downloaders out there. I use Listentoyoutube, fast, reliable, optional high quality audio and of course, its free no matter what.

2. The Music Ninja

     Probably the most predictable of all the sites today, The Music Ninja has never let me down when I check in daily for new tracks. Also the most organized I would say of all the sites I pull from which may have something to do with it being number two. It would be an easy first if Youtube simply weren't so amazingly useful. With music ranging from alternative to soundtrack, theres something for everyone and is updated frequently, and most of it is just a right click, save as away.
3. The Burning Ear

     The burning ear is where I get my interesting music. Not to say that other music isn't interesting to me, this is just where I get my foreign music, and my random genre crossing tracks that don't cease to amuse. The posting can get slow when the industry does but every single track that they post is worth a download, and when there is a dry spell you can check out their many volumes of remixtapes and dubstep collections. Theres something for everyone and a lot music you have never heard of, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check it out.

4. Good Music All Day

     GMAD is my hip hop/mashup/indie rap site. This is where you either have to have a lot of free hard drive space or know your stuff. You really have to like rap, or you have to sift around for the stuff you like. This site is the most frequently updated which means you can get behind really quickly, that being said, it wouldn't make it to the list if there wasn't something special here. They have changed their game up recently, posting more electro and dubstep to keep their viewers interested, and if you have some time to commit, there are musical gems hidden everywhere on this site. They have new tabs and frequently release mixtapes from artists and by their own people who put together great mixes for any occassion.

5. This Song is Sick

     TSIS is a music blog by, get this, another college student, this time from Boulder Colorado. This is the site I check once in the morning and once at night because nothing much happens in the day. There is maybe one or two posts a day which is still great, and those posts are always good. They lean towards electro and hip hop, not really branching out from that and a chunk of their posts can also be found on other sites. That being said, not only is it a blog for others art, they also do their own mashup/electro music under the name Sorry For Partying. Definitely worth the bookmark and the regular check backs for more great music.

     * We hit 950 views sometime last night and its looking like we'll hit our goal of 1000 views by tomorrow or saturday. We hopefully have a giant one month anniversary post tomorrow, it might be a little later but I'll be collaborating with some of my musical friends to bring you a giant post of Canadian goodness to say thanks for all your support. Check back tomorrow and feel free to check out all the sites listed above, although not a comprehensive list of every music site I use, they are my 5 most used. Just don't forget where you heard it and stay faithful my friends. I feel bad for not posting any music today so here's a track I never thought I would hear, a techno/dubstep song with vocals being layed down by "Nobody listens to techno" Eninem....

(Right click and save as to download)

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Hardcore Humpday 2 : City Delivered, Fall City Fall, and Vices, Live in 3D + Bonus Amazingness

     Another wednesday, another half a day or so figuring out what to post. Or so I thought. Last night upon asking for suggestions a long time friend of mine suggested we take Hardcore Humpdays to a whole other level. Thus today we kick it up a notch, moving from pop-punk to a heavier sounding hardcore. So hope you don't have sensitive ears, cause we're going to take them on the ride of their lives.

     Our first band is a five piece hardcore band from San Diego, California, City Delivered. As most people are, I was slightly shocked when I discovered that their youngest member is fifteen, I guess that California breeds them heavy these days. My usual sources for background information has turned up nothing other than that this band is actually a hip hop group ranked among the top 100 of all times by Rolling Stone... which doesn't seem right to me, hopefully upon hearing them you will understand. Their sound is nothing even close to hip hop, growling closer to metal with riffs that may or may not break your neck assault your senses, and heavy blast beats cut the sound waves. Hit the preview below or download their new EP A Star is Born.

(Click to download)

     Our second group today is a six piece from Calgary Alberta, Fall City Fall. As always we love nothing more than to showcase Canadian talent. You need trained ears to pick apart the differences between metal bands these days. To the journeymen of rock, metal is all the same, but give it a second, play tracks back to back. You'll notice that Fall City Fall, gets more of its roots from punk that City Delivered. The vocals are higher and faster, the guitars and drums are more for accenting the overall sound, relying on the vocals to drive the song forward to a place where every sound collides into one complete package of doom. Give it a listen and if metal isn't your thing then check the bottom of the post or head on back tomorrow.

(Click to download)

     Yet again we have another slight variant of the normal metal sound, from Toronto, Ontario, Vices, Live in 3D. This time they even go so far as to classify themselves as hardcore/punk, and hardcore doesn't even start to cut it. Toronto seems to be the focal point for alot of Ontario talent, and thats fine with me, being about an hour away. Now I just need to get that truck I've been saving for and start hitting some of these intense shows I've been hearing so much about. They have six tracks up on mediafire for download, all of them worthy of showing here, so...

... head on over for six tracks of musical adrenaline, head out and rage the day away.

     *Three days to one month and still counting. My goal is to have 1000 views in a month, and I think thats very achievable seeing as how we already have almost 950. No apologies if metal isn't quite your thing, as we cater to all musical tastes, but if you really need something new then if you remember back to the first Suggestion Saturday, we featured a DJ by the name of Drivepilot, he recently dropped a brand new track and its been floating around. So drop on down for the download and thanks again for all the support.

(Right click and save as to download)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Toxic Tuesday 4 : Bassjackers, Robotic Pirate Monkey, and Mord Fustang

     Tuesday oh tuesday, how I resent thee tuesday. So we'll pour a little acid on it, freshen things up a bit. We have three awesome speaker shaking artists today guaranteed to make that caffeine in your system wake up and jump you through the day.

     Our first group is Bassjackers, a house duo consisting of Marlon Flohr and Ralph van Hilst. I stumbled across them on Chemical Jump this morning and have been nodding my head and ruining my speakers ever since. Check their website here and the original posting here. Or jump straight to the download...

(Click to download)

     Our second group is Robotic Pirate Monkey, a three piece dubstep/electronic from Boulder, Colorado. I'm completely surprised by the mass amount of musical talent that flows from Boulder. Over the years that I have been following this particular group they have advanced amazingly, their first album left me feeling kind of let down, but it warranted a repeat when they released their second EP. Their new album blew me away completely. Their style of remixes is definitely worthy of being played whenever you feel like rocking out and having a few drinks, or if you are feeling a little less crazy and just love electronic music. 

(Click  to Download)

     The last group today is a bit of a guess, I've stumbled onto his music on a few sites, but more so in the past few weeks. A couple sites that I pull from have posted this song in the past week and so far I'm loving it...

(Click to download)

     The heavy bass line and infectious beat so far makes this a Toxic Tuesday track of champions. Tune in and enjoy!

     Sorry about the short post today, to keep on schedule I'm writing from the bar on campus during my hour break. T-shirts will be up this week. Again I don't own any rights to this music, if you want anymore links to further material or the sites that I pull from don't forget to like us on facebook or comment here on the blog.