Thursday 12 May 2011

Creators Pick : Favorite 5 Free Music Sites

     Today I thought I would take some time off from just specifically music. That being said if you do need some new music today don't forget to check out any earlier posts thats you may have missed or our Facebook page which I update periodically with tracks that haven't made it to the blog. So today I thought I would let you guys in on a few music finding secrets of mine, namely my five top sites to pull music from.

1. Youtube

     Youtube? You say. Yes Youtube, most likely my all time favorite website, for music, for information, for games, for technology and everything else under the sun. They may not advertise the free music on it but there is alot to be found. Personally I find gameplay montages to be a pure source of amazing fast paced electronic or traditional music. Then upon checking the description for the name of the song, you just type it back into the sites search bar. From there you may find a direct download link on that video, if not there are a huge number of Youtube downloaders out there. I use Listentoyoutube, fast, reliable, optional high quality audio and of course, its free no matter what.

2. The Music Ninja

     Probably the most predictable of all the sites today, The Music Ninja has never let me down when I check in daily for new tracks. Also the most organized I would say of all the sites I pull from which may have something to do with it being number two. It would be an easy first if Youtube simply weren't so amazingly useful. With music ranging from alternative to soundtrack, theres something for everyone and is updated frequently, and most of it is just a right click, save as away.
3. The Burning Ear

     The burning ear is where I get my interesting music. Not to say that other music isn't interesting to me, this is just where I get my foreign music, and my random genre crossing tracks that don't cease to amuse. The posting can get slow when the industry does but every single track that they post is worth a download, and when there is a dry spell you can check out their many volumes of remixtapes and dubstep collections. Theres something for everyone and a lot music you have never heard of, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check it out.

4. Good Music All Day

     GMAD is my hip hop/mashup/indie rap site. This is where you either have to have a lot of free hard drive space or know your stuff. You really have to like rap, or you have to sift around for the stuff you like. This site is the most frequently updated which means you can get behind really quickly, that being said, it wouldn't make it to the list if there wasn't something special here. They have changed their game up recently, posting more electro and dubstep to keep their viewers interested, and if you have some time to commit, there are musical gems hidden everywhere on this site. They have new tabs and frequently release mixtapes from artists and by their own people who put together great mixes for any occassion.

5. This Song is Sick

     TSIS is a music blog by, get this, another college student, this time from Boulder Colorado. This is the site I check once in the morning and once at night because nothing much happens in the day. There is maybe one or two posts a day which is still great, and those posts are always good. They lean towards electro and hip hop, not really branching out from that and a chunk of their posts can also be found on other sites. That being said, not only is it a blog for others art, they also do their own mashup/electro music under the name Sorry For Partying. Definitely worth the bookmark and the regular check backs for more great music.

     * We hit 950 views sometime last night and its looking like we'll hit our goal of 1000 views by tomorrow or saturday. We hopefully have a giant one month anniversary post tomorrow, it might be a little later but I'll be collaborating with some of my musical friends to bring you a giant post of Canadian goodness to say thanks for all your support. Check back tomorrow and feel free to check out all the sites listed above, although not a comprehensive list of every music site I use, they are my 5 most used. Just don't forget where you heard it and stay faithful my friends. I feel bad for not posting any music today so here's a track I never thought I would hear, a techno/dubstep song with vocals being layed down by "Nobody listens to techno" Eninem....

(Right click and save as to download)

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