Thursday 16 June 2011

Apologetic Thursday: Joshua Radin, The Gaslight Anthem and Alexz Johnson

I should be working on French right now, but I feel as though you are all much more important than that, so I've got a couple things to say. To anybody who was looking forward to a post yesterday, I am so sorry. I meant to post something because MrFlawedLogic was unable to with his internet connection, but I just go too busy with all of the other things in my life. I am also apologetic because I have not had any time to find the downloads for these songs. If you want them, and don't want to work super hard, just use ListenToYouTube.

Our first artist today is Joshua Radin. I honestly know very little about him as I just discovered him on my friend's wall on Facebook earlier this week. I listened to some of his stuff, and I don't love everything. What do I love, however, is this song. Take a listen and decide for yourself what you think.

This next song is by The Gaslight Anthem. This song was suggested to me sometime this winter while I was in the middle of being stressed with summative assignments and studying for exams. I really quite enjoy it, and forgot all about it until recently when I was looking at my recommendations on YouTube. Again, I have very little information on this artist or the song, so I'll leave you to your own devices.

Last but not least, we have Alexz Johnson. Some of you may know her from Instant Star (that's where I first saw/heard her), and while I'm not a huge fan of the show (which has been discontinued), I really quite like some of the music there. This song is the acoustic version of the original, Darkness Round The Sun. I really like the lyrics and the melancholy feel to the song. For a little bit of background (surprise! I have some this time), at this point in the show, a young woman has just died, and Alexz (Jude) has gotten some of the people that knew her together on the beach away from the corporate music scene's service for her just to mourn her death in a more fitting manner. Alexz plays this song as a tribute to the woman who has passed away. I saw the episode, and it was actually quite a moving scene, considering the rest of the series. Anyways, I think I've rambled on long enough, so listen to it, love it and get it.

That's all I've got for you today folks, but I'd like to say sorry yet again for not being more organized. Thanks to everyone who checks in here frequently and even those who are first time viewers. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be doing this, so I hope you like it!

Peace out,

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